
For those struggling to overcome addiction, finding the right treatment options can seem overwhelming. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines addiction as both a chronic and a relapsing disorder that involves the compulsive use of drugs and behaviors directed toward obtaining these substances. NIDA has released figures indicating that 20.4 million people, including young adults, were diagnosed with substance use disorders in 2019. Addiction affects not only the person with the disorder but also their friends, family members, and society as a whole.

new jersey

Seeking treatment services for addiction is the first step in recovery. A comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction can improve the chances of success for patients. At Garden State Detox Center, our team offers evidence-based medical detoxification and addiction recovery programs in New Jersey that can allow you or your family member to achieve and maintain sobriety for a brighter tomorrow. We offer comprehensive disorder treatment designed with your needs in mind.

The Root Causes of Addiction

Every patient is different. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other medical authorities have identified certain common risk factors, however, that can significantly increase the chance that someone, which could be you or your loved one, will develop an addiction disorder at some point:

  • Family history: Individuals with a family history of misuse or abuse of drugs or alcohol are at higher risk of developing a substance use disorder. This is especially true when parental substance use is present or when children are exposed to positive parental attitudes toward substance use and abuse. Genetics may play a role in predisposition to substance use and abuse disorders.
  • Abuse during childhood: Childhood physical abuse, including sexual abuse, has been identified as a risk factor for substance abuse later in life. Trauma as a child or in adulthood can also trigger substance use disorders for some people.
  • Mental health disorders: Individuals who suffer from mental health issues may use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. Additionally, children who suffer from impulse control or behavioral health disorders are more likely to engage in drug and alcohol use and abuse when they are adults.
  • Lack of family support: Difficulties at home during childhood or adolescence have been linked with a higher-than-average risk of substance use disorders. A failure to support and supervise children on the part of parents can also increase the chance of addictive behaviors as these children grow up.
  • Peer pressure: Friends and peers can also play a role in encouraging the use of drugs and alcohol. Avoiding social environments in which alcohol or drug use is likely can often reduce the risk of addiction for adults and adolescents alike.

Components of an Effective Addiction Treatment Program

At our Detox Center, we offer comprehensive help and a wide range of services designed to help our clients recover from addiction and thrive in sobriety. Some of the most important parts of any human services or support services of substance abuse treatment are listed here:

  • Medical detox is necessary for most cases of opioid addiction and can be helpful in treating addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Withdrawal from these substances can result in serious side effects that may include nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, and seizures. Medical detox in a health professional facility can ease these symptoms and can reduce risks to patients during the withdrawal process.
  • Behavioral counseling can provide a solid framework for rebuilding better habits and for identifying the causes of substance use disorders. By addressing issues with addictive behaviors and replacing harmful activities with constructive and productive habits, patients can learn new skills for better living through behavioral counseling sessions.
  • Medication can ease the transition for some patients from addiction to sobriety. Physical symptoms of withdrawal can be painful and dangerous. The right medications can ease these symptoms while reducing the risks for patients recovering from addiction. Medical detox typically includes carefully chosen medications that will manage pain during the withdrawal process.
  • Mental health services are an integral part of effective addiction treatment programs. Working with patients to deliver the appropriate mental health care will often alleviate some of the underlying causes of addiction to increase the chance of successful recovery. Integrating mental health treatment with the addiction recovery process is a positive way to boost the chance of success.
  • Continuing care in a residential treatment facility will provide the time and space for recovery in a safe and caring environment. Even after the patient returns to the outside world and begins to rebuild their life, treatment centers can offer avenues of support and relapse prevention for their patients.
  • Holistic approaches to addiction treatment are often more successful than treatments that address only physical aspects of the substance use disorder. By taking into consideration the mind, body, and emotions of the patient, holistic treatment facilities can create the best chance of successful recovery. Mindfulness exercises, yoga, meditation, and art therapy are often useful for patients learning to manage their own sobriety.
  • Building the skills for success is the final piece of the addiction treatment and recovery puzzle. At our Detox Center, for example, our team can provide career counseling, assistance with financial planning, and other educational opportunities designed to help our clients build healthier and happier lives during recovery.

Each of these elements can work together to create the right environment for successful sobriety. The right addiction treatment program can help patients to overcome addiction and to build a better life during recovery.

medical detox

Working Toward Sobriety: Keys to Success

A few key characteristics are important when gauging the chance of a patient’s successful recovery from substance use disorders. Some of the most important indicators of success are listed here:

  • Motivation and commitment to the recovery process are critical to ensure the best chance of successful recovery from addiction. Patients must dedicate their time and energy to rebuilding life skills and coping mechanisms that will prevent relapse into the patterns of addiction and substance use.
  • A willingness to change will also help in navigating the addiction recovery process. By staying flexible and working toward a better tomorrow, patients can often create the right conditions for greater success.
  • The ability to take personal responsibility for one’s own actions and to plan effectively to avoid high-risk situations can also make a real difference in the ability to maintain sobriety during recovery.
  • Determination and resilience are key elements in maintaining sobriety. At our Detox Center, we help our clients to build the skills and characteristics necessary to navigate the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery process successfully.

How Family and Friends Can Help With Addiction Treatment

Family therapy is often recommended for those involved in supporting the addiction recovery process. Developing a reliable support system that consists of caring and knowledgeable individuals will often boost the chance of success in overcoming addiction. Family members, partners, and friends will learn how to set boundaries and how to support recovery in a meaningful and positive way. The team at Garden State Detox Center can provide the framework within which support systems can thrive.

Stages of Effective Addiction Treatment Programs

Depending on the type of substance involved and the degree of addiction, patients can generally expect to go through the following stages of treatment during the recovery process:

  • Medical detox addresses the physical aspects of withdrawal, especially for opioids and alcohol. By using medications to reduce the symptoms of withdrawal, addiction treatment facilities can ease the transition from everyday use of these substances to sobriety. Medical detox can also reduce some serious risks of sudden withdrawal from opioids and alcohol and can make the process less difficult for clients.
  • Inpatient treatment care is usually required once the physical symptoms of withdrawal have subsided. During this period, patients will begin building the skills and habits needed to achieve sobriety. Mental health counseling will often be a key part of the process during this phase of treatment.
  • Outpatient programs can continue for as long as they are useful to the patient. These services may include telehealth visits and individual counseling to promote the best chance of success.

Working with a team of caring and dedicated professionals can provide you with the best chance of success in achieving sobriety and freeing yourself from the chains of addiction. Our Detox Center offers the services you need in a peaceful and serene setting.

Seeking Sobriety With Help

The right addiction treatment program and recovery options can save lives. At Garden State Detox Center, we offer effective addiction treatment, aftercare, and recovery programs that are designed specifically to help our clients achieve sobriety in a safe and supportive environment with accredited healthcare clinicians. We are located in northern New Jersey near the peaceful shores of Lake Mohawk. To learn more about our services or to touch base with our addiction treatment team, call us today through our helpline. We are here to help you live your best life and get recovery support stabilization, now and in the future.